Land Divided, Once United

Racheal Devine                                                 about 150 words

INTD: Science Writing

Land Divided, Once United

In “Land Divided, Coast United” by Josie Glausiusz from Hakai Magazine, she explains the issue of waste and clean water in Gaza and the issues between Gaza and Israel. She makes the point that there is over 36 olympic swimming pools dumped of sewage dumped into the Mediterranean Sea every day. This makes an increase in organic matter in the sea and could be very harmful to marine life. But the main point of this essay was that if Israel and Gaza shared their knowledge instead of preventing one place to function and make sewage plants and water plants then they would both make a lot of progress. I don’t relate to this very much but I do know it is happening in the world and even near us. This also makes me think why Israel won’t help Gaza with starting up the plant, if they have people monitor where the materials go then there would be no threat they were doing anything else with them.

One thought on “Land Divided, Once United”

  1. Interesting question you pose at the end. My guess would something like nationalism. A lot of countries probably don’t like the idea of other countries coming in and investigating them. But then couldn’t the people of Gaza just concede that freedom for the sake of their water? What do you think?

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