“Land Divided, Coast United”

Logan Steffens                                                                                                165 words




Throughout “Land Divided, Coast United” written by Josie Glausiusz she addresses the issue of pollution throughout the middle east specifically the part close to the Mediterranean Sea. There has been a lot of conflict in this region between the Hamas and Israeli forces leading to 50 days in which they bombarded each other leading to more than 2,000 deaths in Gaza and Israel. Because of the conflict so much sewage has been dumped into the Mediterranean Sea that it could fill 36 Olympic sized swimming pools every day. This sewage has even affected the fresh water supply in this region. In Gaza “about 72 percent of the population is serviced by a poorly maintained sewage system” which has led to widespread waterborne infections, so much so that 26 percent of all illnesses in Gaza are water associated illnesses. This problem is similar to how the Unites States tested nuclear bombs in the past in Nevada affecting families in Utah written about by Terry Tempest Williams.


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