Skype With Glen McClure – Response


Sarah Lambert                                                                                 about 200 words

Student, INTD 105-19: Scientific Writing

Skype Response

By Sarah Lambert

   The technology humans have developed over the past few centuries has astounded many and been useful to most. Being able to see a live picture of another person on the coldest continent on Earth more than 9,000 miles away impressed me more than I thought it would. This astounding place, Glen McClure states, is somewhere where “humans were not meant to be.” Talking to Glen McClure sparked my interest not only in his expeditions but in the expeditions of past explorers to the South Pole.

I inquired if McClure left behind any pets at home and if bringing them would have brought a better sense of safety to this environment that inspired both awe and terror. In his response, he mentioned his dog that he left at home and explained how it would have been more of a hassle to care for. This idea contrasts with my argument that dogs were used for companionship in the early 1900s expeditions to Antarctica. However, I believe that the technological abilities that humans now have can provide a similar sense of companionship; the Skype call itself is an example of this.

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