The Trouble With Wilderness Response

Rachael Natoli                                                      Approximately 170  words

INTD 105-19: Scientific Writing

“The Trouble With Wilderness” by William Cronon discusses how the purity of wilderness is an illusion and that “..people have actually been manipulating the natural world on various scales for as long as we have a record of their passing.” He states that some think the only way to have pristine wilderness is to return hunter-gathering yet he believes we must learn to honor the wild while still enjoying the world as we know it.

Cronon also brings up the point of using land sustainably and thinking about the effects of our actions before changing the land. We have to learn to combine nature and humanity rather than thinking of them as separate entities. This connects to my mini-essay about the gazebo because that is a symbol of mixing of the natural world and the human world. In the article, he talks negatively about how wealthy humans use wilderness experiences to escape the industrial world. However, I believe that this escape is healthy and should be welcomed.

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