“The Trouble with Wilderness”

Alexis Baer                                                                                        about 150 words

Student, INTD 105-19: Writing Science


“The Trouble with Wilderness” Reflection
by Alexis Baer

Nature is commonly known for the beauty of plants, animals, and several landscapes which was formed before humankind existed; it was completely untouched and pure. Past history has revealed individuals overlooking it’s significance on a daily basis and often resented the idea of the wilderness. Over time, the meaning of nature has greatly transitioned from something so unappreciated to something widely cherished. William Cronon’s main argument focuses on how individuals simply choose to distance themselves from “home” by developing multiple communities in either towns or cities. Preservationists feel that our environment should be properly maintained instead of tending to societies wants; often times, humans do more damage then intended or recognized. My object, the doors, connect with Cronon’s ideas perfectly because it represents a form of boundary that separates humans from the wilderness. Although a door is free to enter and exit, most people will chose to stay inside if given the option, similar to ancestors staying in their civilizations.

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