“The Therapeutic Effects of Singing on Neurological Disorders”

Emma Cooke                                                                 Approximately 150 words


INTD 105 Science Writing

“The Therapeutic Effects of Singing on Neurological Disorders”

            This article discussed the effects of singing on neurological disorders, specifically: stuttering, Parkinson’s disease, Aphasia and autism. It has been discovered that singing “can ameliorate some speech deficits” associated with these conditions and potentially lead to the development of specialized treatments for people suffering from these disorders. Discoveries such as this form an important connection between the arts and the science. Many forms of music therapy for various diseases and conditions beyond those discussed in this article have been successfully used for years.

I connected this to my younger brother, who suffered from complications when he was born which led to years of problems with many basic skills. One of the most difficult things for him was speech. He went through two years of speech therapy and I remember one of the techniques his therapist used most often was music. It was always easier for him to sing than it was for him to speak. He has since overcome his speech problems which can be credited to the specialized music therapy.

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