“Whisper of the Wild”

Aubrie Cross

INTD: Science Writing

About 150 words

In “Whisper of the Wind” by Kim Tingley, she begins to describe her trip to the ridge above Hines Creek. She mentions that the purpose of their trip was to capture the acoustic data of raw nature. However, this was going to be a difficult task because of the disruptive noises coming from themselves. Tingley then states that this aroma of “natural sound” is all disrupted due to the civilization of humans. We have planted ourselves across the world and have been focused on living through jobs and school that we forget to take a minute to stop and listen to the pure sounds of nature. Tingley says “…scientists have so little information about what landscapes should sound like without human interference…” after this she goes to explain that in order to really understand the pure sound of nature we have to separate our sounds from natures.

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