“The Clan of the One-Breasted Women

Erik Buckingham                                                                                 Approximately 200 words




INTD 105: Science Writing


Radioactive substances affect millions of people each year. In “The Clan of the One Breasted Women”, Terry Tempest writes about the nine generations in her family who have had breast cancer due to radioactive explosions that occurred near Utah. As a Mormon, Tempest was taught to not challenge government authority. She left this idea once she found out that she had witnessed a nuclear bomb. She supports her new viewpoint when she states, “Tolerating blind obedience in the name of patriotism or religion ultimately takes our lives” (Williams, 8).

Tempest turned to civil disobedience and blamed the government for deaths in her family due to the nuclear explosions causing breast cancer in nine of her family members. This is extremely powerful because though many members of her family lost their lives due to the government, Tempest chooses peaceful protest.

“The Clan of the One-Breasted Women” is relevant today especially during this time of police brutality. Many people who are outraged about the murder of people by police officers are fighting back violently. Tempest’s method of retaliation is more effective because it does not negatively affect other peoples’ lives while still getting her point across.

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