The Division Between the Natural and Artificial Worlds.

Patrick Jones                                                           Approximately 250 Words

INTD 105-19: Scientific Writing

The Curb

By Patrick Jones

The beautiful campus of SUNY Geneseo appears to be a surreal blend of both the natural and artificial worlds, creating a paradise on earth for all of those who study upon it. Amongst the tall trees and unforgiving hills is an evident division between the subjective and objective domains that goes unnoticed by the students. A great example of this division is the lonesome curb block on the hill behind Milne Library.

From a distance this concrete block sits, cracked, with very little purpose. Everyday students march past, unaware of the strange object planted to the ground at their feet. Close to five inches away from the path, the block doesn’t act as good physical division. One could simply walk around the curb, mixing the artificial and natural worlds, but the separation lies in the ground surrounding it. On the side furthest from the path the grass is flourishing, symbolizing the relentless success of nature, while the side closest to the path is dead. The grass races towards the block with open arms, trying to scale the small concrete tower, but the second it hits the other side of the block, it dies.

The natural world, the farther side of the block, is full of life while the artificial world, the closer side, withers. The artificial world in which we immerse ourselves is fake, unfruitful, and unprosperous in comparison to the everlasting natural world.How are we supposed to proper as human beings in a world that can’t sustain life?

The Curb Block behind Milne Library


One thought on “The Division Between the Natural and Artificial Worlds.”

  1. A bleak but potentially much more realistic view of Geneseo’s relationship with nature. All prospective students are told time and time again about the college’s beauty, and it’s great to see someone questioning and even contradicting that advertisement. You did an excellent job finding meaning in an object that to many appears insignificant.

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