
Daniel Biskup

Professor Jess Fenn

Chemistry Major

Class of 2020


Many would argue that mankind is only out for itself and has no concern for the rest of nature, based on the many environmental issues seen today. However, I would argue that mankind is very concerned about nature based on my object.

For my object I chose the greenhouse behind the ISC. From the outside it is a simple structure. A glass house with some vents and heating outside. However, form the inside there is a whole array of plant life inside. Large leafed palms form the tropics, cacti from desert climates, a fish pond with lily pads and flowers growing on the surface. Plants that could live for hundreds of years such as trees or plants with short lives. Plants that are tall, short, fat, and skinny from wall to wall. Sprouts under very close care and old plants that are dying. A microcosm of the world’s plant life can be found in one small room.

The plant life found in here drives me to believe that man is not selfish and truly wants to preserve nature. While many could argue that having these plants is only to serve the research of biology students, the greenhouse holds much more meaning than this. It shows man’s affinity for nature. Mankind refuses to live in the natural world, however that does not mean that it cannot coexist or even that it does not want to. For generations humans believed that their actions were merely a drop in a bucket, not effecting the environment at all. However, now they have become wiser and are striving to protect the natural world.IMG_0699 (1)

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