Whisper of the Wild

Robert Romano                                                         Approximately 200 words


Hearing the World

In “Whisper of the Wild” written by Kim Tingley, Tingley centers her piece around how humans have altered the natural, acoustic ecosystem of our planet and how ecosystems have adapted to the world of artificial instruments. Also, Tingley talks a lot about how majestic it is to hear solely nature, but in an extremely urbanized society this sensation is very difficult to achieve.

I can connect this piece to a personal experience of my own because I remember that there was a massive blizzard a couple of years ago and I went to an open, snow-covered plain to meditate. I was very at piece during this experience and the only thing that I could hear was the swooshing of the winds from the powerful snowstorm. A belief of mine is that society must become less urban and focus more on preserving the natural world. When I read Tignley’s piece it reminded me of how important the beauty of the natural world is to us and how we must utilize it to obtain peace of mind. An experience that I would love to create for myself would be to travel to Antarctica and be all alone with only mother-nature and my thoughts.


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