Land Divided, Coast United

Emma Cooke                                                                 Approximately 150 words

INTD 105 Science Writing

“Land Divided, Coast United”

            In this piece on the state of water and sewage management in Gaza, Josie Glausiusz discusses the specifics of the problems face by the people of Gaza and the involvement of the Israelis. According to Glausiusz the biggest issue Gaza faces presently is Israel’s refusal to provide additional electricity for an already constructed water treatment plant. Despite funding from the World Bank and assistance from other international organizations, the main problem in Gaza is Israel’s refusal to assist. However, the current state of Gazan water, where “today, about 72 percent of the population [of Gaza] is serviced by a poorly maintained sewage system” (Glausiusz 6) and “[the dumping of sewage into the Mediterranean] can pose a risk to not only humans via recreational water use but also to marine mammals” (Glausiusz 7) suggests to me that this is an international crisis. While I have never seen such devastating pollution in my area, I do live on the coast of Lake Ontario where the condition of the beaches and the lake itself have deteriorated for years.

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