The Cyborg Manifesto

Logan Steffens

In Donna Haraway’s “The Cyborg Manifesto” she states that we should remove all boundaries between us and become more like a cyborg. The cyborg is not a machine; it is “a hybrid of machine and organism.” She states that in today’s society we are all cyborgs, and that the cyborg is an image of imagination and reality, it shapes everything we do and have done including the traditions of racism and male dominance in our society today. Specifically she states, “The cyborg is a creature in a post-gender world.” Meaning that she wants everyone to be equal. Nobody should be subject to a title that they may not want to have. It is easy to see that Haraway is a feminist in how she defends it so often. Also she mentions the difference between socialist feminism and radical feminism in that socialist feminism has to do with class structure and alienation while radical feminism deals with gender structure and sexual objectification.

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