A Cyborg Manifesto Response

Daniel Biskup                                                               156 words


INTD 105-19: Science Writing

This piece contrasts with the opinion I formed from my object, that Haraway believes that organism and machine are converging, while I found that man, similar to machine in my context, was diverging from nature, similar to organism. Haraway’s begins with explaining the piece is praising feminism by ironically blaspheming against it. She then introduces the cyborg, a cybernetic organism, that is organism and machine. She introduces how medicine and wars are “cyborg orgies” because man and technology both create life or destruction. The cyborg is a post-gender creature that transcends the boundaries of man and woman. It rejects its creator because it is considered illegitimate. She demonstrates how it blurs three seemingly distinct boundaries: human and animal, organism and machine, and physical and nonphysical. She then goes on to talk about fractured identities and how each identity is independent. Finally, she introduces dichotomies that compare human to cyborg views and show how similar they are.

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