Humans Are Not Cyborgs


Robert Romano


Humans Are Not Cyborgs


“Late twentieth-century machines have made thoroughly ambiguous the difference between natural and artificial, mind and body, self- developing and externally designed, and many other distinctions that used to apply to organisms and machines” is a statement stated by Donna Haraway that is extremely controversial and opinionated.

The main idea in this writing is the belief that people (specifically women) must be liberated from a patriarchal society and from a culture being taken over by technology. Donna Haraway’s piece is extremely ironic because she emphasizes the point that no human being should express individuality and that we must all be labeled under the same group. In reality, we should embrace our differences and cherish our uniqueness because if human beings are not different from each other, then we are indeed all cyborgs.

I found the author’s ideas to be very opinionated and I do not see her ideas connecting in anyway way to my object in my mini-essay.

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