What Skeptics May Say

Logan Steffens


In my essay many people may bring up the argument that we create the wilderness around us and we make it to fit our own design. They could think that because in “The Trouble with Wilderness” by William Cronon he expresses many ways in which he believes nature to be formed by humans. However I believe that we cannot shape the wilderness, but merely believe that we do. We think we have control of what is happening around us but really neither nature nor humans have control of the environment around us. At first glance, some people may say that “wilderness can’t be an idea it has to be a place.” However, this is not true because when you think of something as wild it doesn’t always have to be a place, it could just be some crazy new thing you have come across that you think is “wild.”

One thought on “What Skeptics May Say”

  1. I like that you explained what Cronon believes, then what you would say instead, and then what others would argue about what you have said. By doing this you are entering the conversation that they talk about it in “So What? Who Cares?” in a way that shows you know what you are talking about and then explaining why it matters.

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