Summary on “The Cyborg Manifesto”

Mike Emanuele
“The Cyborg Manifesto” by Donna Haraway is an ironic look at the women, technology, and politics in modern day. The passage is about the advancement of the human species, beyond male or female. A cyborg. Haraway describes a cyborg as a cybernetic organism that is beyond gender, bisexuality, and social issues in the modern era. The existence of the cyborg takes place in a time after her described patriarchy is taken down along with racism and white capitalism. Her points mostly consist of the flaws in current humanity such as labor class struggles or gender identity. Questions I had while reading consist of the difference between the marxist feminists and socialist feminists. However, this is mostly because I’m unfamiliar with feminism in general. Haraway’s passage connects to my mini essay in a contradiction. My argument in my essay is how unique mankind can be likewise to nature. Haraway claims that all of humanity will become common cyborgs, a collection of humanity into a hive mind. One race, one gender, all the same socially.

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