Donna Haraway’s ” A Cyborg Manifesto” – Response

Sarah Lambert                                                                                 about 150 words

Student, INTD 105-19: Scientific Writing

“The Cyborg Manifesto” Response
By Sarah Lambert


In her piece, “A Cyborg Manifesto,” Haraway asserts her opinion that society should dissolve the boundaries between race, gender, class, etc. and embrace the image of cyborgs. Though Haraway explains the cyborg’s inherent irreverence, her assertion strengthens through the illustration of how cyborgs break down the boundaries between three aspects of society.  Haraway describes the way that the boundaries between animals and humans, organisms and machines, and the physical and non-physical can all be broken down by the acceptance of this cyborg image.

Haraway dissects society and other feminist views to assert the idea that one must be all inclusive rather than exclusive to advance our “politics rooted in…changes.” However, how does Haraway plan on unifying a world so divided “by [its] terrible historical experience?”

This idea of breaking down barriers ties directly into my mini-essay focused on the truly non-existent barrier between man and nature.

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